Der Liebster Award!

Was ist das?

Der Liebster Award wird von Bloggern „weitergegeben“ an andere Blogs, die weniger als 300 Follower haben. Aber es gibt echt viele Varianten davon! Ich kenne es zum Beispiel mit 200 Followern, aber sowas ändert sich einfach, wenn man es imer weiter gibt. Wie mit wahren Ereignissen, die heute Geschichten sind!
Naja auf jeden Fall kommt der Liebster Award original aus Deutschland. Viel mehr gibt es garnicht zu erzählen! 🙂

Die Regeln! / The rules!

-Erzähle 11 Sachen über dich.
-Beantworte die 11 erstellten Fragen der Person, die dich nominiert hat.
-Nominiere 11 Blogs, die weniger als 300 Follower haben und kommentiere auf deren Blog, dass sie nominiert wurden.
-Denke dir 11 Fragen aus für die, die du Nominiert hast.

-Share 11 facts about yourself.
-Answer the 11 questions that were generated by the person who nominated you.
-Nominate nine blogs who have a follower count of less than 300 people-let them know via comment on their blogs that they were nominated.
-Make up 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

Los geht’s!

Erst einmal möchte ich Aditi von A Thousand Words A Millions Books für die Nominierung danken!
Thanks to Aditi from A Thousand Words A Millions Books!! :-)) I’d relly like to nominate you Aditi, but you did it already! 😀 :-/
Hier findet ihr ihren Blogpost zum Liebster Award./ Here you can find her post for the Liebster Award.

11Fakten über mich/ 11 facts about me:

1 Ich habe riesige Angst vor Spinnen! / I really, REALLY fear spiders!

2 Ich habe mich schon vegetarisch ernähren und werde es auch wieder machen, obwohl ich Fleisch liebe. / I was a vegetarian for a little time and I’ll do it again, even though I love meat.

3 Ich würde lieber erfrieren als verbrennen./ I’d rather freeze to death than burn to death. I know that sounds creepy. 😀

4 Ich denke eher an mich als an andere. / I’m selfish.

5 Ich kann nicht mehr ohne meine Handy. Es ist immer mit dabei. /My phone goes everywhere I go.

6 Meine Lieblingstiere sind Hunde((: / My absolutely favorite pets are dogs. ((:

7 Ich denke ich werde nach Australien, Canada oder die USA ausreisen./ I think I’m going to imigrate to Australia, Canada or the USA.

8 Ich liebe Süßigkeiten, aber wer tut das nicht?/ I love sweets, but who doesn’t?

9 Ich hab mein Buch immer mit und lese, wenn sich die Zeit dazu ergibt. (In der Schule im Unterricht, in der Pause, im Bus, …)/ I always carry my book and read when I have the time to. (While classes, while break, on my way home,…)

10 Ich hasse es, wenn meine Bücher gebraucht aussehen. Und ich möchte sie besitzen (deshalb will ich auch keine Ebooks!). / I hate books that look used. And I want to own them (that’s why I don’t like ebooks!).

11 Ich hab noch nie König der Löwen gesehen. / I’ve never seen The Lion King. :-O


Aditi’s Fragen/ Aditi’s questions:

1. If you could be one fictional character, who would you be?

Ohh that’s so difficult! 😮 I think Katy from Obsidian by J. L. Armentrout, because she has Daemon Black! I think this explains a lot. :-))
And I totally love the Luxen! ❤
But she kind of lives in a mess…so many bad things happen to her, you know? :-/

2. A book world you would want to live in?

Three letters? PLL.
Highschool life(Yes I’m one of those thinking this is great, because I’m from Germany!) and girl-teen problems. Nice friends, (kinda) hot boys and such cool rooms(at home)! 😀
Okay the whole missing-girl and A-the-stalker thing is a bit scary, but I don’t care!

3. The one book you will never pick up again is..?

If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Sorry!
I mean I really love the story behind it and I’m really excited to see the movie, but I really couldn’t get along with the book. Sorry again to Gayle and all the people who loved this book! :-/

4. What is the best part of being a blogger?

Sharing your opinion worldwide, I think. Because I have the problem, that I have to tell my opinion on books SOMEONE! And having your own blog and write about this stuff is such a god way. And there is the wordlwide thing. You can reach so many people! Wow!

I think booktube is much easier, because you don’t have to write so much(!), but I can’t do something like this in front of a camera. Okay maybe I could, but other people(like my parents) would think I talk to myself, because they don’t know my blog and all. They wouldn’t understand. And I don’t like the feeling of them wondering about all that and maybe even listening outside my door. -.-

5. Your opinion on the supernatural (and supernatural books)?

I hope some of the supernatural creatures, like witches or vampires or LUXEN!!, really exist, because I adore them so so much!! And tbh? I think there are really witches somewhere around and maybe even Vampires.
Does the whole thing with God and Heaven count as supernatural? If yes, here my opinion: I do not believe in God, but I think there’s a life after death. There has to be.
Uhh what else? Oh I hope I never experience a hungry zombie *really arkward* !!

Supernatural books are really cool, so to say, because it’s just a whole new world you are invited to. Book are in general a great way to escape the reality, but books with supernatural things give your fantasy the chance to have a big, fat party! 😀

6. Who is your favourite book boyfriend?

Jase Garrett from „My Life Next Door“ by Huntley Fitzpatrick, Sky (Skylar) from „Love Letters To The Dead“ by Ava Dellaira or (yeah I think so) one of J. L. Armentouts (Yeah I take Daemon!!). ❤

7. The weirdest thing you’ve ever done?

Your questions!! Argh! How am I supposed to know something like this?! 😀
I really don’t know. Sometimes my grimaces? 😀

8. What is the one book that changed your opinion on something? Why?

Uhm…I think I don’t really have one! I only have books that cleared my opinion on something or gave a good intention for life. Like We Were Liars by E. Lockhart or The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.
I think We Were Liars just gave me some good mottos for life! Like „Don’t take no for an answer.“ or „Do not accept an evil you can change.“ or „Be a little kinder than you have to.“ I think the last one is great. :-))
The Perks of Being A Wallflower…uh I don’t know. You don’t need a bunch of friend if you have a few who are real and do not lie to you. Accept you as you are. And Highschool’s better with some great friends!

Okay I thought it all over and now it’s more than a week ago, that I did the Liebster Award. I guess „If I Stay“ changed my mind on something. The Cello. I know, I know I said I would never read it again, which is true, but the book shows me how beautiful the Cello must sound. And I never really cared about it!

9. Your favourite time and place to read?

While school days? Probably right after school or in the evening in my bed with my fluffy blanket and 2-3 pillows.
Holidays or weekends? Right after I wake up for 3-4 hours and then in the evening/ night again. Otherwise just the whole day. 🙂 And I love to do this in my bed, too. 😀

10. What is the reasoning behind your blog’s name?

I was thinking about a cool name, because I didn’t want to make a fool out of it. This time it had to be serious and had to do something with books.
So I started of with something like ‚bla bla stars bla bla‘ or something with ‚…pages…‘ I think, but it was already taken. And I guess you know these ways your brains goes in seconds? When it hops from one thought to another? Yeah this happened and I thought of something like ‚raising your voice‘ like giving your opinion on something. And I write my opinions on books. 🙂

11. Your top three career choices?

Uhh..Psychologist, Author or Manager/ Dental technican. Not so sure which of the last ones to take!


Meine Fragen/ My Questions:

1. What do you prefer: paperback copy or ebook?
2. What genre is your favourite and why?
3. Do you eat or drink while reading?
4. Do you have a book you always wanted to read but never got your hands on? Which?
5. How many books are in your bookshelf(you can take a picture too)?
6. Do you have an altime-favorite book? If yes, which one?
7. How many books do you read during a month?
8. Do you have a pet?
9. What are you currently reading?
10. What book to movie adaption are you most excited for?
11. Did you have fun doing this? 🙂


Ich nominiere/ I nominate:

Renée from Renée Reads Books

The Book Review

Sorry I don’t know more blogs by now! But if you want to do this just comment down below this entry and I’ll nominate you! (You must have less then 300 followers.)


Bis Dienstag! / See you Tuesday for the „Teaser Tuesday“ !

PS: Weil ich über Bücher blogge, haben meine Fragen auch alle was mit Büchern zu tun! 😉 / All my questions have something to do with books, because I’m a book blogger! 😉

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