Dewey’s Read-A-Thon is coming to us again!!

Get ready for the 25th of April!!

I’m going to give you some links and information to get you started. And if you don’t know what it is, just check out my „Readathon“ post or the blog! 🙂



Reader Sign-up post:

Start times: Click here


More links from the team:



Goodreads Group:

Instagram: @ deweysreadathon

Used Hashtags: #Readathon #Dewey #MiniChallenge #RahRahReadathon


Now to all those of you, who don’t know what Dewey’s 24-hour read-a-thon is:

It’s sort of a reading challenge, only everyone participates at the same time. For 24 hours, we read books, post in our blogs and various social media platforms about our reading, and visit other readers’ homes online. We also participate in mini-challenges throughout the day and win prizes. In recent years, this event has grown to encompass Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Goodreads and other channels as well!


My reading list, further updates and warm-up will come as the time comes around! 🙂


I hope you participate as well and have fun! 😉



PS: I don’t know if I’m going to be as active as the last time, but I’ll try my best! 🙂

PPS: There’s a chance I’m going to host a challenge!! YAY! (Let’s hope for the best.!)


I’m back with a new discovery! 🙂

What it’s about

  • show something that you recently „explored“, whether it’s through the intenet, books or experience, that you want to share with other people
  • it may be a person, a location, a new sport, a new awesome book, an online page who sells crazy things, an app(lication) or whatever you want to share with people
  • tell a bit more about it: where is it? how did you find it? why do you want to share it? what makes it so special?
  • make it pretty: it’s a bit about eye-chatching. give something your eyes hop onto, hold onto and don’t want to let go until the saw everything 🙂
  • see my first post to get the idea of it:


Shades of Grey (1) > Movie Review

It’s quite weird and difficult, but also easy to write. And all that at the same time.

But firstly, I have to say sorry for being late again. I considered making a video for another review, but then recognized it would take too long to upload. Then I thought I’d do this review, but there was sport I was atending to, then I made my breakfast for school tomorrow, then tidied my room a bit and now I’m supposed to learn and do homework. It’s 11:25pm. Grrr…! I betI’m going to fall asleep in school tomorrow! 😀 No, wait. I won’t even wake up ‚cause I’m so tired…

So let’s begin, shall we? Weiterlesen

Teaser Tuesday #30

Die Känguru-Chroniken: Ansichten eines vorlauten Beuteltiers von Marc-Uwe Kling


»Ich bin ein Känguru – und Marc-Uwe ist mein Mitbewohner und Chronist. Nur manches, was er über mich erzählt, stimmt. Zum Beispiel, dass ich mal beim Vietcong war. Das Allermeiste jedoch ist übertrieben, verdreht oder gelogen! Aber ich darf nicht meckern. Wir gehen zusammen essen und ins Kino, und ich muss nix bezahlen.« Mal bissig, mal verschroben, dann wieder liebevoll ironisch wird der Alltag eines ungewöhnlichen Duos beleuchtet. Völlig absurd und ein großer Lesespaß.


Versatile Blogger Award

Sorry for not uploading a review on thursday! I totally forgot about it in the moments I coul’ve doen it! :-/ I kind of want to make a video for the review on Wintergirls… what do you say? 🙂

Anyways, today I have another award for you!
I was nominated by the lovely Emalie from Bookgatherer and thought: Yeah sure, why not?
Here’s her blog post.


Let’s get it started with. Here are the rules! 🙂

  1. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog. (Optional: and follow them)
  3. Share 10 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers relatively new to blogging.
  5. Let the bloggers know that you’ve nominated them.


Teaser Tuesday #29

Die Känguru-Chroniken: Ansichten eines vorlauten Beuteltiers von Marc-Uwe Kling


»Ich bin ein Känguru – und Marc-Uwe ist mein Mitbewohner und Chronist. Nur manches, was er über mich erzählt, stimmt. Zum Beispiel, dass ich mal beim Vietcong war. Das Allermeiste jedoch ist übertrieben, verdreht oder gelogen! Aber ich darf nicht meckern. Wir gehen zusammen essen und ins Kino, und ich muss nix bezahlen.« Mal bissig, mal verschroben, dann wieder liebevoll ironisch wird der Alltag eines ungewöhnlichen Duos beleuchtet. Völlig absurd und ein großer Lesespaß.


The Bucket-List > Review *may contain spoilers, you’re the beholder*

Uff…it seems like forever since I did a proper review! :-O But totay, there is another bad boy story!! 😀 Haha sorry, but the ones on Wattpad are just the best. :-))


The Bucket List by Neve Adams


Ellie is one of those nerds who blocked herself away from people and studied non-stop ever since her mother passed away. During her senior year, she decided to make a bucket list to change the way her life is and soon she finds herself making a deal that she’d regret with the most popular and hot-tempered boy in the school.