Your Bookyear In 30 Question – 2014

The following formular was presented at the blog of Martina from BOOKaholic and was created by both Martina and Nadine (Seitenansichten). It was a blanko formular, so whoever felt like answering the questions could do that. I’m one of those “whoever”s.

I saw it on Emalie’s blog (Bookgatherer) and just thought I had to do it, too! Click here to see her post. 🙂


– Of course not all questions have to be answered, you can answer as few or as many as you like.
– For the first question for the book of the year please just one answer, in all other categories you can list multiple books if needed.
– You can answer as shortly or as lengthy as you like.
– Be careful when it comes to spoilers when referring to the end of the book.


New Wednesday \ New GIF #4 + It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #12

So I know it’s been a little while since my last post and I’m sorry for it. But I finally got to read and write more! 🙂
Uhm…so my next post will be online on the 2nd or 3rd (along with it also my results for the readathon!)! I might be skiing sometime next year (1st or 2nd!) and over the next night I’ll be at a party of my friend’s. So these are my reasons! But I wish you the best for the next year and hope you all have some good intentions for 2015! 🙂


It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #7

It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon Day and Game #7

Hosted by: (Blogpost)

Task: Tell Me A Story… Use book titles and author names to write a little story.

Well I’m excited to see how that goes… 😀

Dear John,

Yesterday I Wanted to know Where You Are so I checked Google+. I couldn’t find you through GPR on The Map so I wanted to remember you, at last. So I sang The Last Song under the shower.
Do you still know it? It’s the one we heard this one night in this club called ‚The Wild Zone‚. It’s our song.

It kind of Hurt to think back to it. But it’s still a beautiful memory.

Oh and After Ben, the lawyer left, I Reached over to the drawer to grab telephone to call you.

But then I remembered: You were dead. Since 1984.

Love, Rosie

Haha okay that was weird, but yeah:-D

Stone Cold Touch > Review + It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #6

Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Every touch has its price

Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could.

But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay…

Warning: You are able to read this review, but there might be spoilers since everyone defines them differently.

TT #19 + It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #4

Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout

20821525Every touch has its price

Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could.

But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay…


Heaven’s Child > Review + It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #3

Heaven’s Child by Caroline Flohr


When Caroline Flohr’s sixteen-year-old twin daughter, Sarah, is killed in an accident involving eight teens taking a mid-night joyride, what’s left behind? And how do you move forward?

An intimate self-examination told through the eyes and heart of Sarah’s mother Caroline, Heaven’s Child is a magical memoir that teaches us how to surrender to our losses and celebrate the gifts of death while rediscovering life. Tackling deep questions and universal misunderstandings, the story dra
ws readers to journey beside Caroline as she opens the domestic scenes of home, heart, family, and community. Heaven’s Child provides the solace needed to overcome our greatest losses. The story encourages you to find your life’s purpose and helps you realize that you never journey alone. The book covers sudden loss; death of a child; relationships within a family; funerals and traditions; doubts, faith and hope; marriages, divorces, and parenting; forgiveness and healing; the power of memories and intuition; inner strength, and the resilience of the human spirit. Heaven’s Child shows us that the grieving process is personal, that it’s not just about death but also about any loss in our life; that grieving is not about endings…but about new beginnings.


TTYL > Review + It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #2

TTYL by Lauren Myracle


Far from being precious, the format proves perfect for accurately capturing the sweet histrionics and intimate intricacies of teenage girls. Grownups (and even teenage boys) might feel as if they’ve intercepted a raw feed from Girl Secret Headquarters, as the book’s three protagonists–identified by their screen names „SnowAngel,“ „zoegirl,“ and „mad maddie“–tough their way through a rough-and-tumble time in high school. Conversations range from the predictable (clothes, the delicate high-school popularity ecosystem, boys, boys in French class, boys in Old Navy commercials, etc.) to the the jarringly explicit (the girls discuss female ejaculation: „some girls really do, tho. i read it in our bodies, ourselves“) and the unintentionally hilarious (Maddie’s IM reduction of the Christian poem „Footprints“–„oh, no, my son. no, no, no. i was carrying u, don’t u c?“).


It’s the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon #1 – Intro and 1st Game

It’s starting!!

So as I told you in another post I’ll participate in the next read-a-thon! 🙂 It starts today (as in 20th December) and ends midnight on the 31st December.

The Links:

Goodreads Group

The Schedule:



1. Read a total of 2,000 pages
2. Reread a favorite of 2014
3. My own challenge: Read at least 2 more books from Wattpad Weiterlesen