REVIEW: Crazy in Love von Emma Winter (Netgalley)

This is a German post, because I have received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Since I read the German book, this post will not be in English.


Das heutige Buch geht wieder in Richtung Liebesroman. Ich versuche es mal in drei GIFs darzustellen:

List GIF by memecandy

Coffee Break Dancing GIF by The Original Donut Shop Coffee

Cupcakes GIF

Und, neugierig? Dann lies weiter!



REVIEW: All of Me von K. L. Kreig (Netgalley)

This is a German post, because I have received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Since I read the German book, this post will not be in English.


Heute soll es um „All of Me“ von K. L. Kreig gehen. Nachdem die Originalfassung schon 2017 erschien, kam am 27. März 2020 auch die Deutsche Version bei LYX! Ich war richtig glücklich darüber über Netgalley die Möglichkeit zu bekommen, dieses Buch zu lesen. Wenn ihr wissen wollt, worum es geht und was mir für Gedanken dazu im Kopf rumfliegen, lest weiter. 😉

Aber Achtung: Es handelt sich um ein sehr erotisches Buch, welches eher an ein erwachsenes Publikum gerichtet ist. Weiterlesen

What am I currently reading?

My reading is all over the place right now. My current days consists of a lot of Uni-stuff and worrying, a little workout and the sacred reading-time in the evening. I usually never liked to read several books at once, but I’ve become just that person…

So what am I reading right now? Read on to find out… Weiterlesen

My theory on Seth’s prophecy in „The Struggle“

I want and need to discuss something. I am currently reading the Titan series by Jennifer L. Armentrout and am within the third book, The Struggle. Here we get another prophecy from an unknown oracle (his name is Ewan, but he doesn’t seem to be connected to Apollo?) and when I read this part I sat back and thought about what it could mean.

Since this is kind of a spoiler, I advise you not to read this post, if you haven’t read the first two books in the Titan series. Weiterlesen