Dewey’s 24 hour readathon APRIL 2016!

Hello again!

I’m starting right in. Here’s everything you need to know:


 My overall tips for staying awake:

  1. Drink coffee or green tea!
  2. Walk around. (get some food or go to the toilet. dance.)
  3. Spotify and a sing-along playlist for when you’re getting tired.
  4. Sit in a chair, don’t in your bed. You’ll fall asleep there.
  5. Open the window often so you get fresh air to freshen up your mind!
  6. Take breaks from reading. (check social networks, listen to music, play on your phone, dance, listen to an audiobook)
  7. If the sun isstill up, go for a walk and take an audiobook with you!
  8. may add some more! comment your tips!!(:



1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I think finishing „Every Day“ by David Levithan!
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
   Thechocolate that’s already gone and my salted peanuts!(: (also my grapes..<3)
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
Uhm…I can’t wait to start!!
But yeah… I’m 16, still in school, haven’t read much this past 6-12 months and can’t wait to get back to it! Also, I have many, many dreams…(:

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
Listening to audiobooks and staying motivated! I’ll try to sleep less than I usually do and read more instead!!


Starting withEvery Day by David Levithan! at page 234!

Btw..add me on snapchat for some reading updates!(: (vanillamilch)

My current playlist for reading:



This is the challenge/ game and I commented below the post!(:

I wouldn’t say I have 5 exact memories… but I know for sure I loved when my dad read to me. I’d even love it right now and I wish he’ll do it again. He has such a good voice for reading to children!! He should do this as a job😀❤


Every day we witness more. – my entry

the challenge: five word story!


Ready for hour 4, I finished Every Day. And right now, I don’t know what to say about it, because it has me speechless. But I can only recommend it to you!! 5/5 stars!!

HOUR 5+6+7

So the last few hours I’ve been eating, listening to music, walking around and stretching my body a bit and of course reading. I read the prequel Six Earlier Days that’s attached at the back of my paperback version of Every Day.

I’m not sure if I want to go on now with Beautiful Creatures, a manga or an audiobook! 😀

Ookay. So I’m going for an audiobook. Die drei ??? und der Phantomsee is one case of the famous german children detectives Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw and Bob Andrews.


Here’s the challenge for this hour! Check it out it’s really cool!(:

I’m currently reading Demon Guardian #1!(:


It’s nearly hour 10 (!!!) and I’ve just finished Demon Guardian #1 !

The challenge of hour 9 is to share a quote from one of the books you read in this readathon! So here’s mine:

“Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen.”- Every Day

Btw: there are SO many beautiful quotes in this book! I can only recommend it to you, as I said before!((:

Uf…11pm which means 1 hour past my usual bedtime. Hopefully I won’t get another bad headache!


Well because the mini challenge isn’t for me, I got some food! Since all my bad food is practically gone, I got some more grapes and little tomatoes! Perfect for just popping them in!

Also I made my 3rd can of green tea. This should equal about 1.5litres. :‘-D

HOUR 11+12

I wanna sleep, but I’m also fully awake. I could lay down in my bed and would be gone into dreamland by the second. I’m now officially awake for about 18 hours and it’s 1 in the morning. Gosh:D

Look at what I’m currently jamming out to!

But it’s time for the Mid-Event Survey!

1. What are you reading right now?
    Demon Guardian #2!
2. How many books have you read so far?
Half of „Every Day“, 1.5 manga’s and I listened to an audiobook from „Die drei ???“
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
Elixir and Daimon from Jennifer L. Armentrout!
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
Nope not really! By now I always warn my parents beforehand. And not only once. 😉
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
That I’m still awake!! 😀

Hey!!! Just before hour 13, I finished my 2nd manga book! It’s called Demon Guardian #2. (:


More green tea, please! 2:15am…


The Challenge!

Beautiful Creatures & Every Day*:
Rhiannon is a Caster only two weeks away from her 16th birthday.
A is in a different body everyday.

They are in love and A trusted her with the big secret. But can Rhiannon oper herself up, too?

*Every Beautiful Creature (or: Every Day Creatures…but that sounds cruel)

So guys, it’s 3:15am now and I’m going to sleep for about 2 hours now! After that I’m trying to catch the sunrise and read on with the help of green tea.(:


Back at the half of hour 17!
I slept 3 hours now and I feel like shit, but awake! Also my wifi isn’t working..:(


So…here’s the story: I first went to bed at hour 14. I slept 3 hours and since there was no sunset to be going down because of the clouds, I stayed and bed and started to ead again. My eyes were bright open, but I was so trashed! 😀

So I went to set my alarm and while doing that I fell asleep. Well. And now I’m awake again and it’s 11am and I have a headache… but I’m going to read on no matter what and am trying to inish „Daimon“ by JLA..(:

Trere are some challenges I can still do! So let’s just start with…

Reading Fuel Mini-Challenge

My favourite snack must be…cherry tomatoes and grapes! They come in so handy since they are the perfect size to just pop them in your mouth! Also they taste great and are the healthy options to everything bad I ate. 😀

Perfect Reading Day

Create your perfect reading day! I personally don’t have THE perfect one, but what’s yours? Tell me in the comments!(:

The Scary Good Mini-Challenge

The Scorch Trials scared me! When they were down in the tunnels and these things chased after them. I was even afraid to read on! my twitter

HOUR 23 +24

I finished Daimon! And now I just want to read the whole Covenant series again. :‘-D

I WON A PRIZE!! OMG! I was waiting soo long for that!! I can’t believe it!! 😀

Okay okay…*calm down*

It’s time for the End of Event Survey!

  1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
    Hour 13! I was SO done! 😀
  2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
    „Every Day“ by avid Levithan and any good manga you can find.(:
  3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next season?
    Uhm…not really! It was great like every single time before!
  4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
    The challenges and twitter!
  5. How many books did you read?
    Uhm…half of „Every Day“, 2 mangas, „Daimon“, a short audiobook and now II’m starting „Elixir“ by JLA.(:
  6. What were the names of the books you read?
    They are all throughout this post!;-)
  7. Which book did you enjoy most?
    I think „Every Day“..!
  8. Which did you enjoy least?
    None of them!
  9. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
    100% positive! I hope I have time in October and even if I can’t read for the full 24 hours, I’ll still participate.(:
    Reader again and I want to provide 1 or more books as prizes, too.(:


It’s over!!!


Pages read:

  • 88 pages of Every Day
  • 47 pages of Six Days Earlier
  • 192 pages of Demon Guardian #1
  • 192 pages of Demon Guardian #2
  • 62 pages of Daimon
  • 18 pages of Elixir
  • audiobook of Die drei ??? which equals 140 pages in hardcover
  • = 739 pages !!!

Things I snacked on (too many):

  • cherry tomatoes
  • grapes
  • green tea!!
  • rice cakes
  • chocolate
  • rice
  • apple puree
  • banana
  • ice cream

I have the feeling it was even more, but yeah, that’s much! 😀

I loved it just like every time and can’t wait for October to come! I have the feeling this readathon brought me back to reading and made me overcome my reading slump that’s been going on for about a year now…THANK YOU GUYS! (Especially Andi and Heather, all the other co-hosts, the readers and cheerleaders!)


What did you snack on? How many pages have you read? What did you like/ dislike about the readathon?? Comment below!!


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